Monday, September 30, 2019

Paper vs Plastic, Which Is Better

Thousands and thousands of people are shopping in grocery stores each day using either plastic or paper bags. They think of it as something that just holds their items. What they don’t know is how much it harms our environment. So the question is which is better? â€Å"3. 14 billion Plastic shopping bags and 53 million Kraft paper bags are produced annually to satisfy the national market, consuming 28. 5 million kilograms of plastic and 4. 8 million kilograms of paper†( Goldbeck 333). A man named Shropshire in Annapolis had a campaign to get rid of plastic bags and is referred to as the â€Å"the bag man. â€Å"12 million barrels of oil are needed to produce 100 billion plastic bags used in the United States each year,† He said. According to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency only 5% of those bags are being recycled and the rest are thrown into landfills. He also says that plastic bags from Annapolis land in Chesapeake Bay and marine animals swallow them, mistaking them for jelly fish. â€Å"Estimates prepared by the New York City Department of Sanitation suggest that if each New Yorker would use one less grocery sack per week, the city’s garbage could be reduced by 2500 tons every year, saving 250,000 taxpayer dollars â€Å"(Goldbeck 333). Some officials say. that producing the bags takes too much energy and they create environmental hazards. The only problem is that plastic is cheaper and create less landfill waste than paper bags. Plastic bags are made with polyethylene. 80% of polyethylene is made from natural gas; a non-renewable resource. According to the Boustead Consulting Association polyethylene uses less water, oil and energy. Plastic bags use 40% less energy than paper and plastic sacks. The alliance says, they generate 80% less solid waste. Donna Dempsey of the Progressive Bag Alliance, a group representing plastic bag manufacturers, says that an alternative to plastic bags like paper wouldn’t actually be greener. She also says that paper bags use up more fossil fuels in their lifecycle than plastic. Paper bags are made from a lot of trees. Paper grocery bags, are an American innovation and were designed in 1883. It’s also made from a Kraft (German: means course and strength) paper. According to the American Forest and Paper Association, paper collection is easily and readily available in most parts of the country. But like plastic, paper uses natural resources and creates pollution. The manufacturing of one paper bag uses 1 whole gallon of water! Trees have to dry for 3 whole years before making it into paper. Then it’s cooked under heat and pressure†¦Etc. So paper also use up resources. When paper is thrown away it’s either recycled or thrown in a landfill. Both paper and plastic bags can pollute and effect the environment. So it’s hard to say which is better to use. I f we want an option better for the environment its better to use neither of them. The best option there is out there is reusable bags.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Internal Corporate Communication Strategy

Therefore, the main objectives of the campaign are: To encourage all employee to be receptive to changes and new regulations within he East Coast and to be confident in implementing these changes. ; To promote a sense of social Identity within East Coast as a whole. To meet these objectives, the strategies put forward are: 1. To develop employee engagement, particularly in regards to changes in safety regulations, therefore dramatically decreasing the amount of accidents within 12 months. 2.To ensuring all internal corporate communications is company-wide and therefore cementing the East Coast social identity and removing the feeling of territory. 3. Promote awareness of the ‘EUREKA' changes recently undertaken by East Coast, ensuring all staff understand and feel comfortable acting on the new service within six months, with feedback opportunities during and after the changes. The tactic to Implement these strategies Includes a company-wide webbing and smaller meetings with a m ore focused discussion.It also recommends a company email network be arranged to make contact with all employees easier, as the current system Is dated and not efficient. Evaluation Includes feedback forms to monitor opinion and accident records to monitor and tangible changes. East Coast Main Line Company Limited Background East Cost Main Line Company limited (East Coast) is a train service provider that runs 1 55 train Journeys every weekday and has approximately 2,800 employees.The main train line runs from London up the Eastern side of the UK up to Edinburgh. (East Coast, AAA, p. 3) An owner of East Coast is a company named Directly Operated Railways, who are responsible for overseeing the activities of East Coast on behalf of the government. The structure of the organization Is hierarchical (see appendix 1) and contains a HRS manager and also a Head of Communications, both of whom would be Interested In the Internal corporate communication of East Coast.The 2011/2012 corporate objectives of East Coast are summarized as: ; To sustain and build on the successes IT 2 To make significant improvements in those areas where we need to -particularly in terms of operational safety; ; To place East Coast, amongst the best, if not second to none, within the Industry, in terms of safety. ‘ East Coast (2011, p. 3) These objectives appear vague and are not specific enough to show the real intent for East Coast during 2011/2012).The objectives do not say how the success will be measured and are not specific enough to East Coast; aside from the reference to feet, these objectives could apply to any organization. Sundry and Buck (1996, p. 43) explain that the more specific the objective, the easier it is for employees to understand what is expected of them and what they should be aiming at achieve, the East Coast objectives would be difficult for an employee to use for direction. For the year 2011/2012 East Coast Managing Director, Kate Boswell, has outlined 17 corp orate strategies for the organization to work towards (see appendix 2).This does not include the 27 other strategies that relate to specific areas within the business. Abram and Klein (2003, p. 1) state that a company's strategy should be able to be summed up in Just a few sentences and so the strategies set out by East Coast are possibly too extensive, though they are all specific, realistic, measurable, achievable and time- relevant and this is clearly explained in a small table that is given for each objective (see appendix 2). Newcomer (2010, up. 41-848) comments that the definition of a stakeholder now ‘extends well beyond the traditional concept of shareholders to include employees, suppliers, customers, trade unions, communities, etc. ‘ and by naming employees points out the importance of internal stakeholders. The three main internal stakeholders that East Coast should consider include: ; Board Members All employees Owners, including the government body ‘Di rectly Operated Railways' Currently East Coast has a quarterly internal magazine that is distributed.Messages and information is distributed by a printed letter being placed in each employee's tray at the main train station they work in, a relatively dated approach. Communication between depots and between different crews is limited as they do not currently have an opportunity to speak to one another. Before this campaign is implemented, search should be conducted to show a starting point to compare results at the end of the campaign. Research should include current opinion research of employees and accident records. Internal Corporate Communication Objectives Spirits and Swedes (2003, up. 0-71) outline the three basic aims of all internal communication; ensuring the information being communicated is understood, accepted by employees, with acceptance of the messages content, intent, relevance and merit; the majority of employees achieve the motivation, direction, information, or par ticipation intended by the message; and the aim of improving internal dialogue s achieved, which will then have a rippling effect on other areas of the business, such as product quality, sales, performance and, ultimately, customer satisfaction.This campaign will not consider any other area of internal communication, only Internal corporate communication. Internal corporate communication and its position among other internal communication areas is shown in the Internal Communication Matrix proposed by Welch (2007, up. 177-198) and gives possible internal corporate communication goals for an organization, such as to ‘promote awareness of its changing organization' and promote commitment to the organization' (see appendix 3). Internal corporate communication is concerned with communication to all employees from a top level.Throughout a welcome pack available on the East Coast website (2010), East Coast make regular references to the relationship they strive to create with staff. Page four states that they want to make East Coast a great place to work by keeping staff safe and encouraging employees to work as a team. On page five, four key values are outlined that all East Cast staff should aim to be. These are; be focused; be insistent; be human (placing people in the centre of the business); and be progressive.The board of East Coast also has an Employee Director to ensure that issues surrounding employees and employee communication are at a board room level (East Coast, Bibb, p. 5). Argentina (1996, p. 80) notes that organizations have ‘become more focused on retaining a happy workforce with changing values and different demographics, they have necessarily had to think more seriously about how they communicate with employees' and this is obviously something that East Coast has taken seriously.The objectives suggested for East Coast to ensure they work awards the corporate objectives of the organization (outlined on page 4), therefore ensuring inter nal communications is seen as a management function, are: sense of social identity within East Coast as a whole. Internal Corporate Communication Strategy A key theory for internal corporate communications is Media Richness Theory, especially in a large corporate such as East Coast. Media Richness is defined by Sock (2010 p. 0) saying ‘in this theory, different media are classified according to their degree of richness, which varies depending on the degree to which media incorporate certain characteristics. Four main characteristics define the richness of a medium, according to media richness theory. Two of them are the medium's ability to convey multiple communication tools (such as facial expression and intonations) and enable immediate feedback on the message being conveyed (a characteristic of synchronous communication). The other two†¦ Are the medium's support for language variety and personalization of the message. Daft and Lange (1986, p. 560), two of the main Medi a Richness theorists, give prominence to the first two characteristics, claiming the remaining to characteristics are related to the first two. Face-to-face communication is the richest type of communication, while communication such as email is seen as lean and as impersonal, though this is criticized by Sock (1999, p. 13-19), who states that the theory is too deterministic and technological development means Tanat email Ana toner electronic communication Is richer than assumed by the theory.However, this criticism was put forward by the Journal of Information Technology Impact and so may have a vested interest in encouraging the use of electronic media. East Coast may want to consider Media Features Theory (El Chainsaw and Markus, 1997) which found that people choose heir media dependent on its easiness of use and its effectiveness. This gives electronic media a prominent role in communication, especially in large organizations, where traditional media is no longer the norm.Media Features theory puts emphasis on modern media, which as seen as more appropriate within organizations as it is extremely time effective. However, Media Richness Theory would argue that though electronic media may be more time effective, it does not guarantee that the message will be seen by the target audience as many people do not read generic emails. East Coast should consider the level of media richness of different immunization channels when planning on implementing the recommended internal corporate communication strategies detailed below. 1.To develop employee engagement, particularly in regards to changes in safety regulations, therefore dramatically decreasing the amount of accidents within 12 months. Irishman (2011, p. 32) states that all strategies should be ‘SMART' (Specific, Measurable, Agreed upon, Realistic and Time relevant). This strategy is specific as it is outlines the main area where employee engagement is required, East Cost staff need to be interested in safety issues to ensure best practice is achieved. The amount of accidents is recorded and therefore the strategy is measurable, it will look at any changes that have occurred over the 12 month period.The strategy is agreed upon as it is related to a corporate objective and so it something that the whole organization is working towards. It is realistic as there are no tangible barriers; internal communicators have access to every member of staff to ensure the message reaches them all. The strategy is time relevant as a 12 month time guide is given. 2. To ensuring all internal corporate communications is company-wide and therefore meeting the East Coast social identity and removing the feeling of territory.This strategy aims to increases the social identity within East Coast. Information provided by Module Partner (2011) found that different depots all have their own social identity, and communication between different depots is limited. Seaports (1989, up. 20-39) explains that socia l identity is vital to ensure all staff feel part of the team. Currently different depots at East Coast receive their internal communication at different times, by unifying these and creating company-wide internal corporate miscommunication this will increase the sense of social identity. . Promote awareness of the ‘EUREKA' changes recently undertaken by East Coast, ensuring all staff understand and feel comfortable acting on the new service within six months, with feedback opportunities during and after the changes. This is SMART because it is specific to the new Eureka system that has recently been introduced at East Coast which involves a complete overhaul of the way the first class service is ran. The strategy is measurable as it states that there will be feedback opportunities to evaluate and measure the success of the communication.It is agreed upon as the EUREKA system NAS already Eden put Into place, tons strategy Is to ensure sat TTT are comfortable conducting the agr eed upon system. It is realistic as the internal corporate communication needed to fulfill this strategy will benefit the employees as it will assist them with implementing the new system. However it has proposed a change to the psychological contract, which, according to Welling (2007, p. 29) must be negotiated carefully to ensure staff does not feel they are not being asked to do more without receiving any compensation in return.The strategy is time relevant as it is even a six month guideline to have promoted the changes. Internal Corporate Communication Tactics Tactics used to implement these internal corporate communication strategies, and therefore achieve the internal corporate communication and corporate objectives, should consider Uses and Gratification Theory. Uses and Gratification theory is defined simply by Tenth and Yeoman's (2009, p. 225) as a theory focused on not what media do to audiences but what audience do with the media. It states that the audience use the medi a to meet their different needs, which can include to help fit in tit social groups (much like Social Identity Theory discussed previously), East Coast should aim to make their internal corporate communications a key part of the East Coast social identity. Possible tactics for East Coast to use to achieve their goals are detailed below. ; According to Media Richness Theory, face-to-face communication is the richest communication channel and so this should be the best practice to aim for.However, the style of the East Coast business means that employees work shifts, seven days a week and so it would not be appropriate to have a company-wide face- o-face meeting as it would disrupt normal service. However, as a strategy of this campaign is to reinforce social identity among employees, it would be hinder the aim to have different times for communication, especially as Fitzpatrick (2002, p. 60) says that a message should be available to all recipients simultaneously.Instead it is to be recommended that all staff are given an access code to an online Webbing' (an online seminar) to view a top company director outlining and discussing new changes in both safety and the EUREKA system, with comment thread available for staff to add their views and comment. This should then be followed up with smaller groups (maximum 50 people) being put together dependent on employees work schedule, ensuring that people from different depots are mixed in each group, and then holding more targeted sessions to go over these changes and discuss them in more detail.Currently staffs are told about meetings via a letter being put in their individual tray at their main train station, though discussions with the Module Partner (2011) found that these are often left unchecked for months at a time, and so it may be more efficient if staff email network was arranged to help implement all internal corporate communications. This would save time and cost and would ensure that all staff receives the message intended for them at the same time and makes other areas of internal communication simpler, therefore encouraging the East Coast social identity.In keeping with Media Features Theory also, it means that an efficient and easy to use communication channel is being used, email, as employees could access their emails from home. This should then be followed up with documents to reiterate the messages of the seminar and Webbing' and should also be discussed in the internal magazine. This help to fulfill the objectives and strategies laid out previously In tons report It takes people out IT tenet current social groups Walton ten organization and encourages them to mix with other members of staff.It helps employees feel confident in implementing the changes that have come with EUREKA and with the regularly updated safety regulations, therefore improving service and safety. This would set up a new format for internal corporate communication to be carried out, along with the internal magazine that is already in place. Internal Corporate Communication Evaluation Watson and Noble (2007, p. 39) detail the value of evaluation within planned communication, and say that it is important as it tells directors what is working and what is not, once again helping to cement communications as a management function.To evaluate this campaign, East Coast should ensure research is done before implementing the campaign to have a base to compare the results with. After the allotted time frame given in the strategy is complete final evaluation will have to be conducted (as well as continuous evaluation throughout to ensure any required changes are made). Feedback forms will be given to all employees to measure how nonevent people feel about the changes and to receive feedback on the communication in general so that any changes can be incorporated next time.The feedback forms should be multiple choice questions with room for comments also. This data can then be quantified to hopefu lly support the basis for the campaign. This should then be compared with research conducted at the start of the campaign to display any changes in opinion. Internal corporate communicators should also monitor the comments left on the webbing page and take into account any issues raised here. They should gather the information and monitor the opinion of the employees, which should be compared with the opinion research conducted at the beginning of the campaign.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Bank of america Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Bank of america - Assignment Example Bank of America’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) is incorporated in its core values. In 2004, BoA focused on reducing greenhouse gas emission by 9 percent by the close of 2009. The company managed a reduction of GHG of 18 percent through establishment of energy efficient offices. In 2007, the bank committed $20 billion for environmental business program focused on promoting low-carbon business activities. In the same year, the bank also launched a program that promoted low carbon emission by reimbursing employees up to $3,000 upon buying low-carbon vehicles in the U.S. In 2013, the bank issued Green Bond of $500 million to promote investors with environmental friendly projects. In 2014, the bank entered into partnership with a leading residential solar company in the U.S. in which employees are given significant discounts for connecting solar panels in their houses. CSR is a crucial tool that most companies use today to stay on top of their market segments. Clearly, Bank of America is using CSR to establish sustainable business in the banking sector and stay on top of the banking sector by giving back to the society. People want to be associated with companies conducting their businesses in ethical manner, which BoA is effectively

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Benefits and Educational Value in Studying Philosophy and Logic Essay

The Benefits and Educational Value in Studying Philosophy and Logic - Essay Example Philosophy and logic are inextricably linked together. For, without one, one could not have the other. The philosophy books one may read—such as The Republic or Plato’s Apology—might cost some money, however, the benefits and educational value of both philosophy and logic are priceless. First of all, what were the benefits of philosophy? Perhaps one must first discuss what logic was. Logic was a derivation of philosophy. For, in order to philosophize, one needed to be able to make rational arguments in succession, each argument following logically from the last point. It then follows that the end result would be a conclusion proving one’s hypothesis or initial claim to be true. This is generally how philosophical discussions develop. â€Å"[The great thinker] Eusebius accept[ed] the conventional division of philosophy into ethics, physics and logic†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The benefits of using philosophy are great—using philosophy exercises the mental faculties and forces one to think extemporaneously. The educational value of philosophy is to train subjects simply to think. If nothing else, philosophy requires a great deal of thought to engage in it.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

From the perspective of Native Americans, would you say that the Essay

From the perspective of Native Americans, would you say that the Spanish and English Empires in America had more similarities than differences - Essay Example Both empires took the lead in developing a new empire in the new world and subdivided their territories into subsections. The Spanish empire consisted of three viceroyalties including New Spain, New Castile, and New Granada. Its empire extended across most of Americans and into Asia in the sixteenth Century. The English empire had four subdivisions including Indian empire, four self-governing countries, colonies, and territories. Secondly, the Spanish and the English empires in America were similar in their economic endeavours. The leadership in both empires quite well understood the importance of a stable economy. The Spanish empire, which happens to be the largest in the world, depended mainly on silver and gold produced form Peru and Mexico. According to Scott, â€Å"the gold and silver of the conquered Aztec and Incan civilizations supplied the Spanish monarchy with centuries of mineral wealth† (Scott web). This wealth could sustain its economy. Indigenous people formed the workforce because they worked as slaves (Hansen et al 530). To maintain its empire, English empire endeavoured to industrialise using slaves from the colonised nations as cheap labour. The fact that English society contained a more developed and flourishing sector than its neighbourhood did attract settlement to its territories building a platform for commerce. Thirdly, both empires carry a history of poor administration. The management of the conquered colonies was inefficient and poor. For instance, Spanish monarchs had a problem in administering large territories conquered during their raid. There existed poor means of communication, which led the monarchs to formulate rigid rules, within layers of bureaucracy. Both empires endeavoured to civilize and colonise the natives, at times dehumanizing them by making them slaves or getting rid of them and replacing them with the whites. Although both empires had poor administration, they influenced globalisation of the current

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Mitchell v Glasgow City Council Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 24

Mitchell v Glasgow City Council Case - Essay Example Unfortunate facts are common with most of the leading cases, especially based on the delict law. This is particularly true as seen in Mitchell v Glasgow City Council case. James Mitchell is a tenant under the housing local authority has a neighbor by the name Drummond James. Drummond becomes an antisocial neighbor, who ends up a total threat to Mr. Mitchell James. In December 1994, a conflict arose between Mitchell and Drummond due to issues of noise. At this point, Drummond went ahead to bang Mr., Mitchells door using an iron bar and also had the windows of the house smashed. This was the beginning of Mitchell’s horror with Drummond, who openly insulted him and at the same time issued threats to have him dead. James Mitchell suffered an attack from James Drummond. Mitchell suffered injuries that were severe enough to cause his death. The verbal abuses went on for a period of 6 Â ½ years. (ROBERT, 2009). He later killed him in 2001. It is at this point that the council of Glasgow took an initiative to have eviction proceeds against Drummond. Just before, the assault, Drummond got a summon from the council. It was then that he went back and committed the crime which took away Mitchell's life. Mitchell’s daughter together with her mum, Mitchell’s wife filed a case against the Glasgow council for negligence that resulted in the loss of Mr. Mitchell. The law does not impose a duty that is positive to have someone protect other people; and duty to have a person prevented from any form of harm emanating from any form of criminality on the basis of foreseeing its possibility. On the contrary, the harm that is foreseen is in it is not weighty enough to have the duty of care imposition. Therefore, this acted in the disfavor of Mitchell’s family. Ratio refers to reasons given to arrive at a certain decision. They offer a binding precedent that is to say that the courts under in terms of the hierarchy structure, have to follow the same in case a similar case arises and the same presented to them.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Marquis de Lafayette Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Marquis de Lafayette - Essay Example It is unfortunate that Lafayette’s extraordinary accomplishments have faded from memory and that the thorniest issues he tackled such as racism, slavery, class difference, religious intolerance are still seen as major challenges in both America and France. On July 31, 1777, the Continental Congress introduced Lafayette, 19 to George Washington after Washington had taken command of the Colonial Army two years before and there were few foreigners interested in the American cause. Although the Congress told Washington that Lafayette’s commission was purely honorific, he was not informed about it and Washington complained about Lafayette’s expected command of a division. This made the success of American Revolution in doubt and for more than a year, there were only two critical victories in Trenton and Princeton and the army only succeeded at evasion and retreat. Washington was worried that perhaps Philadelphia could fall to the enemies and therefore the only thing h e had was the young French teenager, Lafayette (Gaines Web). Earl explains that Washington was later given a leeway on making decision regarding Lafayette’s role in the war and by September, he was riding with Washington into battle where he was wounded at Brandywine Creek (85-89). Washington’s personal physician then attended him and the history tells that Washington believed in Lafayette as a son and Lafayette treated him as a father. He treated Lafayette with fatherly tenderness however, the two men sometimes differed and could work against one another and their interaction symbolizes problematic relations between their two countries. Nevertheless, the friendship between the two continued for all the time Washington lived despite challenges and this friendship can be linked with the implausible French-American relationship. Lafayette always showed his sincere devotion and support of Washington, which made him seek for Washington’s approval before carrying out any military duty (â€Å"New-York Historical Society† Web). Volunteering to aid America in their quest to secure independence was a crucial role that Lafayette played in a foreign nation. Learning that the British troops had evacuated Philadelphia, on June 19, 1778, Washington commanded his men to pursue the British across New Jersey and Lafayette advised Washington to send more soldiers to attack the rear of the British. Lafayette, alongside other officers including Wayne and Green explained that the general attack should be initiated if the results were favourable and Washington agreed to the plan. Lafayette then asked Lee who had initially been offered the command but contemplated disaster to let him lead the command. With Washington approval, Lafayette took the command and advanced to meet the British troops but upon further consideration, lee felt that Lafayette’s success might tarnish his name against the congress (â€Å"New-York Historical Society† Web). Nevertheless, Lafayette refused to relinquish the command and he promised that he would only resign the command in favour of Lee if he does not find the enemy of which he did in the evening and lee assumed the charge of the division. Unfortunately, Washington and his men caught up with the British the following day thus prompting him to order lee to attack the enemy and that he would advance with other men to defeat the enemy. Surprisingly, upon

Monday, September 23, 2019

Who was Henrietta Lacks Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Who was Henrietta Lacks - Coursework Example The doctor had previously tried to grow a series of human cells, but they all ended in failure. Henriettas cells however did not die. Henrietta died less than a year later, and she was buried on her familys land. Her family had no idea that part of her was still surviving and developing in scientific laboratories from John Hopkins to several areas of the world. Thirty-seven years after Henriettas death, Rebecca Skloot through her Biology instructor, learned of HeLa (Skloot 80). She learned that HeLa was the first ever immortal human cell line. Rebeccas interest sparked, and she took on a life-changing research project that took her over ten years to complete. Henrietta Lack’s cell completely changed the medical world. Her cell led to medical and scientific breakthroughs. Moreover, it brought to question policies concerning patients’ rights. Her surviving children soon became aware of their mother’s surviving cell through Rebecca Skloot (Skloot 250). Deborah reali zed that her mother’s cell developed a multi-billion industry. What is more, a relationship between Deborah and Rebecca developed. All these events marked Henrietta’s legacy and Immortality (Skloot

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The implications of culture on development of regional marketing Essay

The implications of culture on development of regional marketing strategies - Essay Example Consumers in economies where the financial condition of the region is only developing are relatively more inclined towards considering the price before they consider the brand of the product or service. It is can be observed in this case that the economy of the region has a widespread influence on consumption behaviours. It would therefore be a question to consider whether or not the cultural values of a region, which are just as widespread and more deep-rooted, influence consumer consumption and the consumers’ responses to the market as well. The study performed by Merrilees, McKenzie and Miller was one that was based on the differences between consumer responses to the practice of retailing across different cultures. It was found that the "cultural factors seem to be important in explaining the differences across the two countries... Retail marketing strategy needs to tailor itself to these different market needs, though the likeliness is that the Estonian situation will gradually evolve toward the Canadian one and Estonian retail strategy will have to be flexible to eventually move in that direction"2. While the above statement appears to have provided a comprehensive illustration of the findings of the research, it can be observed that there is room for the evaluation of the consumers’ responses to marketing across differing cultures. A research conducted by Laroche found that culture plays the role of a differentiator between the usages of mechanical avoidance methods across consumers of different countries. The research suggested that even though marketing and promotion is subjected to negative mechanical avoidance, the exercising of behavioural avoidance towards marketing and promotion was found to be reliant on the culture of the respective country3. Laroche, and Cleveland and Laroche believe that culture holds a position that is of undeniable relevance when considered for its influence on the decision making process that consumers

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Trends Now Shaping the Future of Hospitality and Travel Essay Example for Free

Trends Now Shaping the Future of Hospitality and Travel Essay Early versions of this report predicted that the world’s population would double by 2050, and population growth has proceeded almost exactly on schedule. However, even this estimate may be too low. According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, most official projections underestimate both fertility and future gains in longevity. Unfortunately, the greatest fertility is found in those countries least able to support their existing people. Populations will triple in the Palestinian Territories and Niger between 2000 and 2050 and will more than double in Yemen, Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Uganda. In contrast, populations in most developed countries are stable or declining. The United States is a prominent exception. Assessment: Demographic trends such as this are among the easiest to recognize and most difficult to derail. Barring a global plague or nuclear war—wildcard possibilities that cannot be predicted with any validity—there is little chance that the population forecast for 2050 will err on the low side. Implications: Rapid population growth in the United States compared with its industrialized competitors will reinforce American domination of the global economy, as the European Union falls to third place behind the United States and China. To meet human nutritional needs over the next forty years, global agriculture will have to supply as much food as has been produced during all of human history. Unless fertility in the developed lands climbs dramatically, either would-be retirees will have to remain on the job, or the industrialized nations will have to encourage even more immigration from the developing world. The third alternative is a sharp economic contraction and lower living standards. A fourth alternative is the widespread automation of service jobs as well as manufacturing, to accomplish the work needed to support accustomed living standards. However, this requires development of a means other than wages to distribute wealth and to provide both a living income and a fulfilling  occupation for workers and would-be workers displaced by machines and software. Barring enforcement of strict immigration controls, rapid migration will continue from the Southern Hemisphere to the North, and especially from former colonies to Europe. A growing percentage of job applicants in the United States and Europe will be recent immigrants from developing countries. Implications for Hospitality and Travel: Rapid population growth, compared with other developed lands, will preserve America’s place at the top of the global economy, with China taking second place from the European Union. This will help to keep the hospitality and travel industries growing rapidly. 2. Population of the developed world is living longer. Each generation lives longer and remains healthier than the last. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, every generation in the United States has lived three years longer than the previous one. An 80-year-old in 1950 could expect 6.5 more years of life; todays 80-year-olds are likely to survive 8.5 more years. Life expectancy in Australia, Japan, and Switzerland is now over 75 years for males and over 80 for females. A major reason for this improvement is the development of new pharmaceuticals and medical technologies that are making it possible to prevent or cure diseases that would have been fatal to earlier generations. Medical advances that slow the fundamental process of aging now seem to be within reach. (This is a controversial issue within the medical community, but the evidence appears quite strong.) Such treatments could well help today’s younger generations live routinely beyond the century mark. Assessment: See the Assessment: for Trend 1.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Every organization has its own culture and belief

Every organization has its own culture and belief Introduction Every organization has its own culture. Every culture consists the expectations related to behavior. These norms and values are not in writing but it tell employees the way things really are. Perception of all the persons in business from chief executive to the lowest rank is influenced by these norms. Employees of any organization contribute to the success or failure of the organization; follow the norms by supporting and accepting them. Organization culture Corporate culture is the combination of shared values, norms and beliefs that give meaning to the persons of an organization and provide them with the rules for behavior in the organization. Organization culture is concerned with how employees concerned with six basic features such as individual, autonomy, structure, consideration, conflict and structure. Every organization explains in its own way what it means by culture. Some of them called it ethos, core, manner, ideology, philosophy, roots, style, vision, patterns and the way and the purpose. Constituents of the culture Organization culture is made up of tow dimensions Guiding beliefs Daily beliefs Guiding beliefs there are external beliefs relating to how to compete and how to direct the business and also there are internal beliefs relating to how to manage, how to direct the business. The philosophical foundation of every organization is built with these roots and principles. These roots and principles are held as universal truths and are enough to accommodate any variety of circumstances. Daily beliefs are those rules and feelings that are related to everyday behavior. They are dynamic, situational and change to meet circumstances. Functions of organization culture Today organization can not neglect its human side. Employees of the organizations are the real fortune maker of the organization who play a great role in making the organizations strong and growing unit. It is necessary for organization to develop an organization identity and to nurture the spirit of oneness .organization culture performs four different types of functions. Desired behavioral pattern Employees must learn to behave according to basic organizations philosophy. And they should understand their surroundings. Collective commitment Organization culture is the result of team efforts. Culture is that visible bond of feelings and emotions that ties the employees at all the levels to develop collective commitment. The fooling of organizational identity Good Organization culture has ability to attract develop and keep talented people. Organization can not grow without strong commitment of its employees. Socialization of members The organization must uniformly develop system of promotions, remuneration and behavior patterns which can socialize the employees without any conflicts between them. DIAGNOSING AND CHANGING ORGANISATIONAL CULTURE: BASED ON COMPETING VALUES EMPLOYEE MORALE It is the relationship that a particular employee or a group of employees have for their work and for their organizations they work for. If there is high employee morale means employees are happy and this is also reflective in the kind of job they do. On the other hand if there is low employee morale it will result in low productivity and pessimism in employees. It is important for all the organizations to make continually efforts to keep morale high. Significance Employees morale is a part of workforce culture. When there is high employee morale employees are happy, they become more efficient because they enjoy their work. It is important that employees do not feel overload and burdened by their job. Develop Better communication always improves employee morale. Encouraging employees to communicate their ideas and thoughts effectively will result in better understanding of each other. This also helps in developing the leadership styles in employees and teaching the employees how to be assertive. Top management should also talk sincerely to their employees and staff and build a solution to resolve the issues among the employees. Effects If there is high employee morale then it shall result in effective team. A supportive environment helps employees to work effectively and share their ideas without fear of being ridiculed. High morale is also an induction of job satisfaction. Employees should also be forward in asking for help and support of any kind in an organization. Considerations Human resource department helps a lot in improving the employees morale by participating in various activities and events that would help in raising the employees morale. Team building exercises play a great role because when employees work in harmony in teams , they tend to help each other. Expert insight The best way to improve high morale is to reward the hard work of employees. An employee may sometimes feel overloaded with the amount of work he needs to be done and could start of thinking the value of the work comparing the amount of pay he receives. When employees feel that they would appreciated then they shall more likely to want to shoe their skills and contribute more. Impact of organization culture on employees morale The nature of organization culture that exists in the company decides the degree to which the desired results from the employees are obtained. The perception of members about the organization usually determines that type of the organization culture. An organization culture consists of two components The primary value of the organization The existing systems and styles of management These two components mainly determine the degree to which the desired results shall obtained from the employees. The value systems of the employees indicate the direction in which the employees originations are likely to move in the future. A strong culture is the lover for guiding behavior of employees. It helps employees to do their job better. Organization culture can be stated in following five features Conflict Consideration Organizational structure Individual autonomy Reward for the employees The essence of the organization culture is mainly concerned with how workers perceive each of the five features stated above whether positive or negative. A system of informal rules can be necessary for an effective culture that spells out how employees in organizations are behaving most of the time. It also enables people to feel better about what they have done, so that they are more likely to work harder. It provides a sense of common direction and rules for day to day activities. If organization culture is such that they give reward and appreciate the employees for their work done then there will be an high employees morale in an organization. Most of the people thrive on feeling appreciated. Every organization can improve employee morale by showing appreciation in simple ways such as rewarding employees by saying well done and than you for the good work. Psychological research shows that atmosphere greatly and also directly affects the employees morale and motivation level. Providing comfortably and aesthetically pleasing furniture is one way to motivate people. Lighting flowers and artwork can be the method help improve employee morale. If in the organization employers are friendly and interested in employees then there will be high employee morale sincere query and a warm smile shall help in motivating employees. Every organization must encourage social interaction between employees and must resolve conflicts immediately to improve the employee morale. Social events such as picnics and softball or baseball games can create a sense of belongingness between employees. Social interactions help in positively influences the cooperation about coming to work everyday. On the other hand if there are no interactions then such situation of isolation can cause depression and a lack of motivation. Providing a pleasant atmosphere is sometimes not possible like in factories and repair shops. In these types of environments offering a proper relaxation time period and a break room helps to improve motivation level. In any work environment, safe and comfortable conditions raise employee morale by providing a reasonable sense of security. There are many issues that stems from practices embedded within in an organization culture affecting employee morale and productivity. These include Little or no accountability Employees need to know that mistakes may count for learning instead of punishing criminals for repeat offenses. Leadership not serving as examples Today some leaders are ruthless, demeaning and narcissists. Leaders need to act always in harmony and ensure equal treatment of all like the organizational culture in McDonalds and FedEx. Departmental infighting Companies are in business for one reason: to create clients. End the fighting and focus on the most vital asset. When the fighting ends perhaps harmony shall arrive. Career planning and succession planning is null Most of the CEOs and senior managers join an organization from competitive industries and companies. In the organization there is null career planning then there will be very less employee morale and the motivation level. How employees morale benefits your business? If compared to employees who are motivated with disengaged workers we shall find that disengaged workers do their work less efficiently, miss more workdays and also cost organization thousands of dollar due to loss of productivity. Keeping the employees motivated and high morale is one the best way you can maintain the productive workforce. For getting employees and to feel connected to the company, managers must ensure that employees clearly understand their roles. Managers must provide good training and continuous feedback to ensure high motivation level of employees. High morale of employees shows the setting of high standards and shows commitment toward the organization. When it comes to things like customer service and quality then act in such a manner that consistent with what you demand from your employees. Make employees feel valued and connected by asking for their feedback and suggestions and giving them room to make decisions by involving employees as equal members of your team. If the organization promotes policies that support employees in taking action to resolve issues then there will be less wastage of time and energy that will no doubt shall effects the organization productivity Direct relationship between employees morale and organization culture Therefore to have a high employee morale there must be favorable organization culture. There are some of the pointers to improve the organization culture Say thank you often and sincerely face to face. Offer the options to the employees to come an hour late on Monday mornings or leaving the employees an hour early on Friday afternoons when possible. Employers must take time to meet with employees one at a time. Acknowledge special events either through cards, meetings ad news letters. Encourage a sense of ownership in work. Publicly appreciate hard work and an initiative on the company bulletin board, in the news letters and board meetings. Suggestions for high employees morale With the helps of survey determine what motivates employees. Gauge the areas in career development, recognition and rewards, status, task accomplishment activities, leadership, and praise, problem solving achievement and guiding others. Communicate with employees about how companys basic goals, vision and mission connect to individuals employee goals. Set up a display about the employees proudest moments. Create such environment that expresses concern for employees. Allow time to the employees at the beginning of the shift so that they can review past and ongoing goals. Instill a sense of confidence and encouragement in the companys ability to provide resources to employees for succeed. Highlight the accomplishments and success stories of employees. Use themed apparel and a casual dress day to promote a sense of tea spirit. Provide a relaxation breaks and pictures of great vacation or picnics as rewards for group achievements. Encourage them to start book clubs, craft circles and other activities that they can share with co-workers. Organization must also promote open communication system in work environment. Employees who are dedicated to the companys future and goals instinctively work towards accomplishing their goals. Employers should model the behavior which they want to seek in the employees. Leaders need to be enthusiastic and confident about companys goals and vision. Encourage the staff to be proactive problem solves and welcome their contributions. Help them in identifying the challenges and encourage work together to overcome obstacles and explain how to maintain individual success. Respect their personal lives If manages are putting so many hours in the work, everything else is probably suffering. It can be highly motivating to show concern about a managers life outside work. Occasionally talk about life Organization need to set aside time for one-on-one meetings, to talk about managers career development and personal agenda. Create closure One the major reasons that their work is never done, no matter how many hours they put in, employees get to finish their project but the manager comes back to the same desk every morning. Tips and warnings Morale is the responsibility of every organization. In the end, employees are responsible for the value the place on morale Be creative in conveying the importance of morale by coming up with new ways to create an exciting place to work. Print posters with inspirational sayings and place them in highly visible areas. Do not focus all your efforts on negative and non motivated employees. If accountable, their actions eventually cause them to improve or leave. Balance self motivation with company motivation to improve morale. GOOGLES ORGANISATION CULTURE Google has one of the interesting organizational cultures. They are one of the top among 100 companies to work for according to fortune (2008).it is one of the most fastest and useful web searches around the world. Google strives to have the reliable search engine in order to accomplish this Google hires employees that are the best in their technological field. Google rewards the hard work of their employees with an extremely relaxed workforce that encourages creativity through gun activities such as office picnics, roller hockey, and softball and through a casual dress code. Google also provide the services of gym and massage inside the company building Google build such loyalty with their employees that many of the employees see each other and Google management as a family. In Google, there is an emphasis on team achievements and pride in individual accomplishments that contribute to the companys overall success. Googles group orientation is the primary feature of its culture. It encourages its employees to work and also play together so that a family bond is formed. Googles culture is the combination of various things such as ethical, customer-responsive an d spiritual. Its employees are encouraged to be creative in problem solving which sometimes calls for risk taking. Googles employees are allowed an enough freedom so that they do not take it for granted and this keeps them on ethical ground. The also have a sense of team rather than self so this encourage them to work together to achieve organizations goals. Googles employees understand that thinking out of the box is what they are known for so they go beyond others would do to satisfy a customer need while maintaining company values. This out of the box type of organization puts the company into the spiritual type of organization. They are also encouraged to have fun with their job. Google has a unique and comfortable way of conducting business that appeals too many. It is a give take relationship both sides get something out of it. Googles culture is of such a sort that creates individuals a desire and the motivation to stay with the company. Thus, we can say that Googles culture is very strong. It hires people that embody their companys values and feel the same intense desire. This desire allows the companys employees to work towards the same goals and intensifies the bond the share. Google receives 1300 applications a day and tends to have a low turn over rate. Conclusion The top management of every company should involve in the process of developing right organization culture. Also it is not only the responsibility if human resource department. And why not after all the companys culture has a major impact on employee morale and productivity. However, there are many companies who view their organizational culture only as a recruitment tool and element in employee motivation and communications. But now focus is shifting and organizations are now realizing that an effective culture engages employees at a fundamental level, and translates that engagement into high performance. Culture helps the every organization to accomplish what it desires to achieve. The organization culture as a management tool has great motivating impact to motivate employees to improve their own organizational performance.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Eating Disorders Essay -- Health, Diseases, Anorexia Nervosa, Binge Ea

Introduction Eating disorders are psychological problems marked by an obsession with food and weight. There are four general categories of eating disorders these are; Anorexia nervosa, Binge eating and Bulimia nervosa. However this disorder affects individuals of various age groups; it has become more popular among teenagers these days. For the purpose of this research plan the writer will focus on age group of ages 15 to 19 because teenagers most vulnerable to eating disorders fall into this age group. Moreover, in doing so it will also be possible to determine the significance of this research and apply it to today’s lifestyle. Anorexia is a medical condition in which youngsters, mainly during the onset of puberty, begin to starve themselves thinking they are overweight, even though they are not. They remain under this illusion and as a result of being cautious they become extremely thin, bordering on ill health or sometimes death. Eating disorder in teenagers has become an area of con cern as it is a disease which is affecting the youth of today’s society. The purpose of this research is to identify the main cause of eating disorder in teenagers and help the young generation as they play a vital role for tomorrow’s future. Literature review Causes of anorexia The causes of anorexia are complex and no single factor has been identified. The actual cause of these disorder appear to result from many factors, including those that are genetic, media leading disorders, parental behaviours, psychological factors and negative family influence. Anorexia Nervosa Parentlink (2008) describes anorexia as a disease where the individual person starves himself/herself even though he/she is hungry and is seen to be very thin. Furt... ...d happy life themselves. If taken care of for instance proper care from the family, teenagers are less likely to suffer from the eating disorders. This then means parents can control teenagers eating habits with maximum supervision. Since family lifestyle tends to affect teenagers eating habits. In recent studies by Fornari and Dancyger (2003) notes that family whereby parents are overly controlling, a teenager tends to put on a lot of emphasis on looks, diet them or criticizes their body appearance can cause anorexia. In this case it’s the family’s duty to provide support and care to the general development of the teenagers for a better future. Yoon et al. (2005) argued that families, friends, and dating partners play a role in the development of anorexia and other eating disorders by the generation and transmission of different messages about the thin-ideal.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Test Of Salem :: essays research papers

The Tests of Salem The Crucible is a play, which brings attention to many timeless issues. The nature of good and evil, power and its corruption, honor and integrity and irony are all brought up in Arthur Miller's The Crucible. Irony what doe sit men? Irony means incongruity between what is expected to happen and what actually occurs. In The Crucible there are three different aspects of irony. Irony is present through many scenes of the play and it is very important to the outcome of the story. Three types of irony that are in the play is man vs. man, man vs. society and man vs. man.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first aspect of irony in the story is when Elizabeth Proctor lies to the court to save her husband but instead gets him in more trouble and helps Abigail. Proctor tells the court that his wife has never lid before but when thy call for her she says something with the intention of helping him but ironically she make his situation worse. 'In her life, sir, she have never lied. There re them cannot sing, and them that cannot weep – my wife cannot lie. I have paid much to learn it, sir';(Miller 111) In the quote Proctor is telling the court that some people cannot sing and some are to strong to weep and his wife will not lie. Another example of irony that can be used in the situation is that the husband thinks his wife will never lie and to prove she will never lie he admits that he has committed adultery which his wife already knows about and the court puts his wife to a test. The court asks his wife if her husband has the affair and instead of the wife say ing yes she says no, thinking it will save her husband. 'To your own knowledge, has John Proctor ever commits adultery and she is saying no. By these couple of scenes in the story it shows how irony can change the outcome of the story.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another example of irony in the story is when Abigail is trying to kill Proctor's wife by accusing her of witchcraft but instead gets Proctor killed. Abigail is in love with John Proctor in the story and the whole point of Abigail being in the woods is to make a love potion so John will fall in love with her again.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A Teacher Affects Eternity :: Teaching, Education, Admissions

A Teacher Affects Eternity As graduation was approaching, the question running through my mind was, "What am I going to do with my life?" I knew this was an important decision, and I wanted to make sure I made the right one. I knew that I wanted to attend college, but I was debating between Physical Therapy, and Education. In making this decision, I reflected back to my Junior year in high school, when I tutored a Kindergarten class. I hadn't realized the impact that these ten kindergartners had made upon my life. With their cute sayings, their many hugs, and the excitement on their faces when learning something new; helped me to decide that Education is what I wanted to do. When I enrolled into college, I realized that becoming a teacher is a very important task. Teachers are forming the mold of future doctors, lawyers, teachers, and much more. When I become a teacher I want to portray positive characteristics that will be beneficial to my students. I want to be the type of teacher that shows compassion toward my students. I feel to portray this characteristic I must know each of my students learning capabilities, and what kind of learning strategy works for each child. I feel it's my job to make sure that my classroom is a safe haven for each child. I never want one student to be excluded. I feel being excluded would make coming to school a very terrifying experience for the child, and I want to make my classroom comfortable for everyone. I want to always go the extra-mile to help my students, and I want them to feel that if they have a problem they can always come to me for help. I want to be the teacher who offers daily encouragement. I feel encouragement is imperative when dealing with children. I feel they need encouragement so that they know they can accomplish anything they set their mind to. I want to be the teacher who makes phone calls home to parents to tell of the accomplishments that their sons/daughters are achieving. I feel that giving encouragement will make my students work harder, and they will be more successful.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Edward Steichen Essay

Edward Steichen is one of the world’s proponents of photography. He is also best remembered for his great contributions during the world war period. At the early age of fifteen, he began as apprentice in litography under the American Fine Art Company . He attended photography lectures but continued painting after when he turned 21 in Paris. When he went back to New York, he exhibited his arts in Philadelphia Salon and three of which were purchased by Alfred Stieglitz, a photographer . He then joined with Stieglitz and others and they established the Photosecession Group. His works was made known more through Stieglitz. The following years, he experimented on photography and painting. He was also among those who first used the Lumiere Authochrome process . In the International Exhibition of Pictorial Photogrphy, thirty- one of his works were displayed. When the First World War erupted, he directed the division of photography of the American Expeditionary Forces and made aerial photography. It was also during that time where he shifted his idea to realistic photography. The following years, he was engaged in famous magazines such as Vanity Fair and Vogue, as a chief photographer . There he met famous celebrities like Charlie Chaplin as his models. In the Second World War, he again directed the US Naval Photographic Institute and published naval combats photography. It was then that he organized the Road to Victory and Power in the Pacific exhibitions in the Museum of Medern Art in New York . Furthermore, after the war, he became the Director of the museum and one of his popular exhibitions was the The Family of Man. He died in Connecticut at the age of 94. Bibliography Edward Steichen (2008) Spartacus Educational at 4 June 2008. Edward Steichen (2008) MSN Encarta at 4 June 2008.

Meditech Surgical Case Paper

Furthermore, suggestions will be made in order to improve Medicine's position and remain relative in the medical industry. Issues in new products, manufacturing of all products Some issues that have resulted from the introduction of new products have been issues with supply and customer service. Although finished goods seemed high, the level of service was very low. Another issue meditate is experiencing Is panic ordering which has allowed dealers and affiliates uncertain If a product will be delivered on time to Increase the size of the order, causing demand to Increase but monish actual supply.The data that was gathered demonstrated a new product reached a high peak during the first couple of weeks and maintained stable, however changes in production schedules have exceeded demand. Poor forecasting are some of the major Issues and low Inventory, an improvement In a regression analysis of past data will Increase areas of Improvement. Driving factors systemically and organizationally Issues that are affecting meditate systemically and organizationally are poor demand forecasts, which are allowing for high levels of inventory.A third party consultant determined that the current inventory could be reduced up to 40 percent. Although high inventory levels are high, service levels are low failing to meet the organizations objectives. These Issues affect not only sales but also the reputation of the organization, which causes the organizations status in the market to diminish. Furthermore Meditate took several Initiatives In accurately monitoring past demand forecasts to better determine and improve inventory demand. Customer Service Manager attention to current problemsThe role of customer service is to determine and handle various types of issues, which include customer complaints, and to develop effective strategies to improve customer service. Customer service ensures deliveries schedules are followed tongue Ana Is ten TLS contact Tort customers to vales AT any p ossible Issues or complaints. The increase in panic ordering and data to determine if panic ordering was occurring was difficult to track. The customer service manager ensured his staff to gather and observe past demands patterns, production rates, and demand recasts to further identify the decrease of customer service.Strategies to improve customer service Distribution Network Configuration The current issues that are affecting meditate are changes in demand patterns and increases in inventory. Configuring the network of distribution will ensure products are produced serve geographical dispersed retailers. Inventory control is highly important since customer demand change over time retailers must observe what point in time to reorder a given product and the minimum amount to Justify inventory ordering and carrying costs.Customer Service The measurement of customer value is highly important and will maximize meditates position in the market as new products designs, technology, and v alue arise in any given market what will allow a company to flourish over its competitors is high end customer service and value. By measuring past trends in the market and opportunities for improvement, this will allow meditate to gain the advantage in the market place. Smart Pricing In order to allow medicated to improve supply chain performance, smart pricing an allow meditate to influence pricing and inventory to influence market demand.As competition arise, to gain a competitive edge using effective marketing management can allow medicated to enter a new product more effectively and ensure the price and inventory is available for the consumer. Medicated goal is to keep its brand high and allow its reputation to grow as the leader in endoscopies surgical instruments. Conclusion To gain a competitive advantage in a given market by incorporating effective strategic management and an efficient supply chain will ensure the given products et organizational goals.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Reading Visual Culture Essay

When reading visual culture one can easily be led to interpret from images . Visual representations have many different meanings, the way that some interpreted Visual culture and visual representations can in a way influence, confuse or inform others of their meanings. Visual culture is found almost anywhere in the world, no one really knows when it dates back to as there is so much visual culture in history. There are many examples of visual culture in different times, churches use to use visual culture in their stained glass windows. These windows use to be quite delicate pieces of art and were once considered highly religious, this was because of what was placed inside the windows and where they were most likely to be found was in churches. This was a ‘visual’ as it was able to be seen, but in many ways what was seen may not be real. For instance many of these church windows had angles on them and this made them in a way a fantasy or non-realistic character to some. The ‘culture’ of these windows was the people who viewed these on a religious basis, in other words the ones who shared the same values about the church that the windows were found in. Although there could be some confusion when discussing visible things and visual culture. Visible things are something like a chair, whereas visual culture would be a picture of the chair. The confusion normally lies in the word visible and visual, visualising something can be done when you see a poster and all the different pictures and writing that make up that poster. The format of a visual and how it is represented can impact others in different ways. If you see a sign that is red and says stop, your brain tells you that you need to stop only because this is what it has learnt to do in some cultures. Although in another culture where the word stop is just a heap of wiggly lines and means nothing they may see the red as danger and be cautious about their actions. Another example is when you read hieroglyphics, all most that do not understand them see are images of birds and leaves, whereas the people who know the writing see them as letters and words, it is how things are represented in the mind of others or one’s self. One of the basic units in visual culture can be signs, they can be icons and symbols, and are comprised of different codes. One thing can mean another and then could lead to a serious of different events. Signs that are a well-known icon are something like Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola is a worldwide known product, it is iconic to those who see it. There are many different ways people think of Coke, one of which is the writing on the bottle and the red label that coincides with the label on the bottle. Signs are comprised of different codes, in saying this they are all in their own way a code. In the war a code was considers a bunch or mumbled up words that made no sense, it only made sense to those who understood them. This is much like signs, only those who understand the signs can read them. Referring back to the stop sign as they are symbolic codes, whereas posters are iconic codes, the reasoning for this is because one symbolises an action whilst the other is an iconic image that is there to be seen and viewed so it may draw those who view it in. Although symbolic signs and iconic signs may seem very different they can sometimes be the same.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Eastwind Trading Company Essay

The potential opportunity and long term sustainability of Eastwind Trading Company lies in the uniqueness of their product. The Swanson pearls are the only remaining collection of handmade freshwater pearl buttons in the world. The amount is limited and cannot be easily duplicated due to current environmental condition. Therefore, the fact that no one else carries these types of buttons is the main competitive advantage the Eastwinds Trading Company posses. This exclusiveness, however, can also result in the company’s weakness: very perishable, expensive, and difficult to handle small items that require careful organization and specialization to control costs. The company is still in the existence stage. Gail and Martha are now focusing in getting enough cash to cover all the expenses the acquisition of the business will bring. However, they may also need to center their attention in how to generate enough tools to make their business expand and become a viable company. By having a product that is unique and hard to duplicate, this advantage is long-term. There is a great opportunity in expanding the business by creating new bias of selling the pearls. Hiring sales representatives that will cover all the nation, approaching clothing manufacturers and designers that will buy the buttons at wholesale price and covering the areas that were previously uncovered by the Swansons are some of the main goals of Martha and Gail. These goals will situate the business at a competitive advantage against competitors by satisfying the needs of customers that would be attracted by the exclusivity of the buttons. The key risk for investors is that button business is such an unconventional deal that it may result unattractive. The demand for exclusive buttons in the manufacturer industry as there are other types of cheaper fastenings that can be used for clothing i. e. Zipper and plastic buttons may be decreasing. Consequently, the Eastwind Trading Company needs to implement some sort of diversity in its line to supplement the sales of the raw material when the demand for buttons is low. Martha and Gail have experience in management and marketing which makes a good addition to the development and success of their future business. Their experience can be applied in the development of a new strategy that will re- introduce the pearls in the market while expanding the product in areas that were never covered by the previous wners. The fact that the raw material could be cut off leaving a semiprecious stone that could be mounted as earrings, necklaces or rings is a plus for the business and needs to be exploit at its maximum. Despite the fact that the pair was advised by the financial counselor that they will be working in an â€Å"anemic lending environment, they sell the bankers only the concept of the buttons business, ignoring the more profitable concept of selling them as jewelry. As a result their offer was rejected by about 10 financial institutions. Finally, Stadium Bank would lend the money but only if guarantee by the Small Business Administration (SBA). By having the SBA guaranteeing their debt Martha and Gail may be removing the bank’s incentive to work directly with them. If they encounter a financial problem they may be ignored by the bank instead of getting assistance as borrowers since SBA is guaranteeing the loan by 90%. The fact that the company’s loan has to be personally assured by their owners may be a downside for the negotiation. Gail and Martha’s personal assets may be affected if this venture goes wrong. We hardly recommend Eastwind Trading Company to analyze extremely careful the terms of their loan, see if the loan is right for them and confirm that what the bank is offering is what their business really needs to flourished and succeed before they sign any agreement with the lender. As for right now we will turndown Eastwind’s project. The venture has no strategy in place to explain how the company plans to diversify itself through the use of new products or new services related to the existing product except for the vague ideas associated with the jewelry’s’ creation which is in fact the most profitable option. When a business is such an unconventional deal as the sale of buttons is, it may result unattractive. The key to success will be then to create a really strong business plan, marketing strategy, a good team of sales rep, well-organized channels distribution and an aggressive advertizing campain in order to sale your ideas and pursue your business aspirations.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Business plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Business plan - Essay Example It aims at providing management education which is at par with international standards. Over the last couple of demands for business management schools has gained a lot of momentum. GSBM will begin its operations locally in UK and will later on expand to Australian and Indian markets. The school will host its first local branch in London as this will be a London based business school. Thus, the first batch of its students will come from UK. The MBA market within UK is very competitive and is only expected to grown in the next couple of years. Macro-economic conditions within UK are extremely supportive and conducive to the growth of a new business school. Government policies and factors also favor the growth of MBA markets. Brief overview of the School and Program Design: Management skills are very critical for personal and professional development of people. They enhance the life style of people and improves their living standards. People who have managerial skills come across as ch arismatic; they are well managed and are able to attain their goals rather quickly. Thus management education helps students in providing them a strong platform for their career growth and success. The business requirements of the modern world want people who are sound on their management skills as it is important for organizational growth. The program design of GSBM will be built to develop management skills and core competencies of its students. The focus will be to produce students who can adapt themselves to the changing paradigm of the world and use their skills efficiency. The main objective of GSBM would be to provide management skills to its future leaders in the business world. The school will be based in London and will have operations spaced out in divisional units and campus. The school will expand from London to Australia and India. The school will aspire to offer quality educations to its student in management. The student will be given the opportunity to pick either o ne of the following as their majors: Finance Marketing Human Resource Management Each major choice will have its own set of electives and each student will be allowed to opt for his choice of electives. Other than the electives there will be some core management and social science related subjects which will be mandatory for every enrolled student to undertake. The primary aim of the program offered at GSBM is to equip students with the technical knowledge related to business strategy and environment ; to ensure they are well versed and aware of business activities and to equip them with sound management related knowledge. Generic Strategy: The primary objective of the school is to provide quality education to it’s students. It will not be opened with a profit-making perspective. It’s main aim is to produce well equipped management students who are able to stand out in the job market in the corporate world. For this purpose, a generic strategy will be followed. Michael Porter was of the view that a business should make a choice between two fundamental decisions when deciding it’s competitive advantage. The choice should be either to: 1. Compete on the basis of price OR 2. To compete on the basis of a differentiating point in the business. These two choices were further explained in the form of four generic competitive strategies which he argued were the main range of choices available for a successful business. They are: 1. Cost

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Why the Eiffel Tower Should Not Be Torn Down Essay

Why the Eiffel Tower Should Not Be Torn Down - Essay Example It took 26 months, 700 engineering plans, 3,000 workshop drawings, and more than 18,000 parts to complete the construction. The Eiffel Tower has cultural importance. With respect to the event that it was built to commemorate, the French Revolution, the Tower holds cultural significance to the people of France. This is because the French Revolution was a time characterized with events aimed at eliminating dictatorship regimes (Eiffel Tower, n.d). Therefore, the Tower indicates a desire for hope as well as freedom. It also signifies the passage from an oppressive time to a hopeful one for the people of Paris (McDowall, 2014). This is a key point that shows a historical significance linked to the Eiffel Tower. People should read about and visit the Eiffel Tower because of its uniqueness with respect to design and cultural uniqueness. It displays the culture of the people of Paris and visiting the site allows a person to experience this culture. In addition, the design of the Eiffel Tower is unique and no other replica has managed to accomplish its features. People should read about it especially in history so as to understand why it was built and what it symbolizes. One of the key reasons as to why the Eiffel Tower is special is that it is the world’s most visited monument. Although there are other monuments of interest around the world, the Eiffel Tower has been the center of interest because it receives more tourists than any other monument. Besides being a monument, it has economic significance to Paris in that it incorporates hotels. The other reason as mentioned earlier is that it marks the end of an oppressive era, which was marked through the French Revolution; therefore, it is special to the people of Paris. Furthermore, the Eiffel Tower is special because it is one of the tallest buildings in the world and remained the tallest for many decades. As a conclusive point, the Eiffel Tower should never be torn

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Personal statement for application of Economics Graduate School

For application of Economics Graduate School - Personal Statement Example oduction to micro/macroeconomics; inter-media micro/macroeconomics; econometrics; public economics; mathematical economics; international economics; urban economics; economic development; applied calculus and introduction to calculus. By the time I graduate, I would have also taken two more courses. These are advanced calculus and linear algebra. My enrolment in graduate school will help me to enhance the knowledge that I already have in economics. It will also help me to broaden my perspective as well as offer me novel insights into the depth of my field. With this advanced knowledge, I will be in a better position to competitively progress in my future career. One of my achievements in the Economics and Mathematics field is the GPA of 3.93 that I was able to competitively attain during my course. In overall, I had a GPA of 3.65. This was all possible through my hard work and determination in the course. It is also quite important to note that my interest for this field enabled me to put in more effort that saw me achieve all these great results. Apart from my recommendable academic performance in the Economics and Mathematics field, I was also the Vice President at the Chinese Student and Scholar Association (CSSA) at the university. This position helped me to expand my leadership skills as well as to be of great help to my fellow Chinese students. Through this position, I was able to help the Chinese international students in the United States to get the required documents that were expected of them such as insurance. Housing is equally a very challenging endeavor for students. This is especially occasioned by the fact that the cost of h ousing is quite high and most students are not able to afford. This leaves the students to be â€Å"homeless† in campus. Through my position as the Vice President of the CSSA, I was able to give a helping hand to the Chinese students to acquire housing. This made their school work very comfortable as they did not have to struggle

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Expanding a Multinational Company Research Paper - 2

Expanding a Multinational Company - Research Paper Example The company was founded in the year 1982. The company started its growth as well as operations in the other countries very impressively and presently it operates in Australia & South Africa as well. The present revenue of the company is $ 4.22 billion and the present operating income of the company is $0.92 billion. The company is making an attempt for its expansion in some more countries. The three emerging market countries based on their potential chosen for the expansion and the growth of the company are China, Singapore and Qatar. China itself being a port area ranks second as a trading nation all over the world; it is chosen because it has a huge scope for the growth of the chosen company (Pollmann, 2012). Singapore is chosen because of its investment potential. Singapore being a port area ranks first in its investment strength (Singapore Economic Development Board, 2012). Qatar is the third country which is one of the richest countries among all the Muslim countries in the world. Now based on certain factors a comparative analysis of these three countries is shown in the next portion of the project. The political structure of the country puts the president at the top followed by the Cabinet. The political environment of the country is very strong and it follows the system of monopoly on its import as well as export activities in various sectors. The political structure of the country is having at its top the president who is the head of the state, and then the prime minister who is the head of the government and in the executive position lays the cabinet that are also under the full control of the president. It is a democratic country The political structure of Qatar is having Emir of Qatar as the head of the state as well as the government. There are also other ministries under his control and a consultative assembly being appointed only for consultative activities consisting of 35 members. There are

Monday, September 9, 2019

Development of a Quality Management System and implementation of a Essay

Development of a Quality Management System and implementation of a Quality Management Plan in your organisation, according to the ISO 9000-2000+ Quality Management Standard series - Essay Example As we know that today’s business world is rapidly changing, it has become extremely important and crucial for any company or business to implement ISO 9000 in the business. Quality means to provide product satisfaction to the customers. Any organization or a company can satisfy the stakeholders and the customers only if it provides them with quality in the products that they use. Quality is the key to organizational success as it leads the organization towards market domination through delivering quality products and services to the public. Quality also means to seek continuous improvement in the products and services provided by any organization. It is essential for any organization to implement a well developed quality management system because it not only helps an organization attracting and retaining customers but also helps gain competitive advantage in the market. The two most important tasks of a quality management system include quality control and quality assurance. If we talk about quality control, we can say that quality control is a process which is employed in order to ensure a required level of excellence, superiority, and quality in a product or service delivered by a company. Quality control is a process within an organization designed to ensure a set level of quality for the products or services offered by a company. Quality assurance is a process in which products and services provided by a company are checked in order to know whether those products and services meet customers’ expectations or not. All aspects of a product are examined and tested, and if it some part or whole of a product is not found able to meet the quality standards properly; appropriate steps are taken by the quality assurance department to improve the quality of the product. Quality management system is implemented in a company or an organization in order to ensure the quality of the products and services that it manufactures and delivers

Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Challenges of Managing Generation Y in the workforce Thesis

The Challenges of Managing Generation Y in the workforce - Thesis Example In this regard, business experts are endeavoring nowadays to identify factors that are causing problems in the workplace and are putting efforts to propose solutions and alternatives that may reduce the gap between the two generations, and allow the management to achieve their organizational objectives. Due to such reasons, some of the major problems in this respect of attracting and recruiting Generation Y talent that is fast-paced and technologically efficient. In addition, due to conflicting workplace practices (Tulgan, 2009), a number of organizations are confronting problems in retaining and engaging Generation Y successfully due to lack of communication between the two generations. In the result, recruitment, engagement, and retaining of Generation Y have now become some of the major issues of the current decade that are revolving around the factors, such as generational boundaries, technology, cultural shifts, etc.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

A common foreign and security policy for the EU, a bright future or an Essay

A common foreign and security policy for the EU, a bright future or an unachievable dream - Essay Example Through the evolution of events and treaties leading up to the Treaty on European Union (Maastricht), The European Union (TEU) emerged in 1992 as the organization encompassing a â€Å"three pillar structure† in common foreign and security policy (CFSP) and â€Å"justice and home affairs†3. Since 1992, the goal of TEU has been â€Å"The onus . . . to develop credibility, expertise the basis for a political power of its own 4.† While it is the combination of the three prong structure that comprises TEU, and without the third prong of â€Å"justice and home affairs,† certainly it would be difficult if not impossible for the first two to be pursued; it nonetheless is the first two, or CFSP, that this paper concerns itself with. As would be expected, the coming together of cultural and political forces which combine to form the EU result in dynamic policy making decisions with respect to CFSP. It is imperative to remember that the council members who sit on the EU come from individual countries with sovereign governing bodies within each of the separate member countries5. Yet the members elected to the EU are attempting to make policy with respect to a â€Å"community† of nation-states that have defined borders and a common interest in defense of those borders, while the interests of the countries independently may be very different6. It would be impossible to make progress if the scope of focus here was not limited to â€Å". . . common policy development, and evidence of convergence, as either a prompt – or a consequence – of involvement in the EU process7.† Likewise, it becomes important to consider, too, that the EU policy cannot realistically be considered within the geograp hical boundaries of just the present day member countries 8. In other words, while the members states and representatives of the EU were coming together to identify issues of foreign policy and defense for themselves as a community, there were still the considerations of

Cost of Opportunity Essay Example for Free

Cost of Opportunity Essay Assuming the best choice is made, it is the cost incurred by not enjoying the benefit that would be had by taking the second best choice available. [1] The New Oxford American Dictionary defines it as the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen. Opportunity cost is a key concept in economics, and has been described as expressing the basic relationship between scarcity and choice. [2] The notion of opportunity cost plays a crucial part in ensuring that scarce resources are used efficiently. [3] Thus, opportunity costs are not restricted to monetary or financial costs: the real cost of output forgone, lost time, pleasure or any other benefit that provides utility should also be considered opportunity costs. Contents [hide] 1 History 2 Opportunity costs in consumption 3 Opportunity costs in production 3. 1 Explicit costs Implicit costs 4 Non-monetary opportunity costs 5 Evaluation 6 See also 7 References 8 External links History [edit] The term was coined in 1914 by Austrian economist Friedrich von Wieser in his book Theorie der gesellschaftlichen Wirtschaft. [4] It was first described in 1848 by French classical economist Frederic Bastiat in his essay What Is Seen and What Is Not Seen. Opportunity costs in consumption [edit] Opportunity cost may be expressed in terms of anything which is of value. For example, an individual might decide to use a period of vacation time for  travel rather than to do household repairs. The opportunity cost of the trip could be said to be the forgone home renovation. [citation needed] Opportunity costs in production [edit] Opportunity costs may be assessed in the decision-making process of production. If the workers on a farm can produce either one million pounds of wheat or two million pounds of barley, then the opportunity cost of producing one pound of wheat is th e two pounds of barley forgone (assuming the production possibilities frontier is linear). Firms would make rational decisions by weighing the sacrifices involved. Explicit costs [edit] Explicit costs are opportunity costs that involve direct monetary payment by producers. The opportunity cost of the factors of production not already owned by a producer is the price that the producer has to pay for them. For instance, a firm spends $100 on electrical power consumed, their opportunity cost is $100. The firm has sacrificed $100, which could have been spent on other factors of production. Implicit costs [edit] Implicit costs are the opportunity costs in factors of production that a producer already owns. They are equivalent to what the factors could earn for the firm in alternative uses, either operated within the firm or rent out to other firms. For example, a firm pays $300 a month all year for rent on a warehouse that only holds product for six months each year. The firm could rent the warehouse out for the unused six months, at any price (assuming a year-long lease requirement), and that would be the cost that could be spent on other factors of production. Non-monetary opportunity costs [edit] Opportunity costs are not always monetary units or being able to produce one good over another. The opportunity cost can also be unknown, or spawn a series of infinite sub opportunity costs. For instance, an individual could choose not to ask a girl out on a date, in an attempt to make her more interested (playing hard to get), but the opportunity cost could be that they get ignored which could result in other opportunities being lost. Evaluation [edit] Note that opportunity cost is not the sum of the available alternatives when those alternatives are, in turn, mutually exclusive to each other – it is the value of the next best use. The opportunity cost of a citys decision to build the hospital on its vacant land is the loss of the land for a sporting center, or the inability to use the land for a parking lot, or the money which could have been made from selling the land. Use for any one of those purposes would preclude the possibility to implement any of the other. See also [edit] Economics portal Budget constraint Economic value added Opportunity cost of capital Parable of the broken window Production-possibility frontier There Aint No Such Thing As A Free Lunch Time management Trade-off

Friday, September 6, 2019

The Decision Making Process Essay Example for Free

The Decision Making Process Essay Abstract As a senior, the decision on whether or not you want to go to college comes out being the hardest decision some students make. I have made the decision that I want to go to college. Going to college will get me where I want to be. Not only that, but it will further my education. The decision that I need to make is whether or not I want to play volleyball in college or not. Colleges have given me several opportunities to do this. However, it just comes down to me making the decision. Not only just a decision, but the right decision. This decision will have an affect on several different things throughout the rest of your pathway. This is why it is important to make the right decision. Introduction When you make your decision this way, you think it out before you make your final decision. Two ways to make a decision include rational and emotional. When you make a rational decision, you think it through and when you make an emotional decision, you just up and decide without thinking it through. Seven steps will lead to a smart and successful decision. First, you must define your problem. Next you will gather information, which becomes an important step. Third, you will identify your choices. Fourth, identify advantages and disadvantages of each choice. This will also be a big part of your decision-making. Fifth, you will finally make a decision. The sixth step, making a plan to get there. Last but not lease, you will evaluate your decision. Define Your Problem I have made the choice that I want to attend college after I graduate from high school. The problem that I have comes down to whether or not I want to play volleyball in college or not. I have loved playing volleyball ever since I started when I was little. I would love to continue to keep playing after high school. The only thing that stumps me is the fact that once you join a college sport, it then becomes a job. This choice remains to stand the hardest decision for me. I want make the best decision I can because if I don’t, I know I will regret it. I will use the seven steps to make the best decision. Gather Information Next, I must gather information about me problem. We all know that college is the complete opposite from cheap. Many students have to pass up the opportunity on going to college because of the cost. Scholarships come in handy for this. If I would go to college and want to play volleyball, it will still cost me a lot of money. However, if I can get a vast scholarship to go play volleyball for a college, I’m more likely to jump on that opportunity. According to the Chadron State website, the estimated cost to attend CSC to fit my needs, it will cost me $5,032.20 per semester. This is including room and board and also a meal plan. Now on the other hand, if I were to get an offer to go play volleyball somewhere, some of that money would be waived. This is defiantly an advantage in the long run when I am paying college off later on in life. Paying off college will take awhile if you don’t apply for scholarships. However, if I apply for scholarships and receive them as well as get a volleyball scholarship, it would be to my advantage. List Options When you look at my options, I could have several different ones. It just depends on which choice I am leaning closer to. If I do want to play volleyball in college, I would have options to which schools I want to go to. It will narrow down to which schools accept me. Not only that, but also which schools will offer me a scholarship. I think it would be awesome to receive a full ride to one of my top choice; however, I need to have a backup plan. My other options consist of if I don’t get a scholarship to the schools I want to go to, if I will even play volleyball in college. Advantages and Disadvantages There remain several advantages and disadvantages to each of my choices. One of the advantages that I consider the biggest stays getting a scholarship. Like I said earlier, college stands far from cheap. Yes, you can apply and receive scholarships, but that will not cover everything. If I would receive a major scholarship to go play volleyball and also receive other academic scholarships, paying for college would become easier. Another advantage is playing a sport would push me to keep my grades up. This would also force me to maintain a certain GPA to stay a member of the team. Therefore, I would have excellent grades. On the other hand, playing a sport in college can also come with some disadvantages. One of them includes that the sport becomes your second job. You leave for college sooner so you can train for your sport. You also have late practices, leaving little time to study. The disadvantages won’t faze you if you are dedicated to that sport. Make a Decision and Explain Why Having much time to think this through, I have made a decision. However, there are some twists and turns to my decision. It will depend on what all happens in the future. I feel that I am dedicated enough to the sport to play it in college. After attending try-outs for one college, I have found out it’s at a whole different level. I will have to not only prepare myself physically, but also mentally. I have come to a choice that if I receive a big scholarship, I will play volleyball in college. I know that it may be difficult my first year. Havening to manage not only my studies but also volleyball. I have thought about this long and hard and realized that I am capable of doing this. I am doing my best to get recognized by my top colleges for volleyball but if it’s not my top choice that does, I will evaluate that college and make my choice. My choice is well thought through and I am able to make a wise final decision. Make A Plan of Action Making a plan of action becomes the most important step. Several people have goals that they want to reach in life but they never have a plan of action to get there. When people don’t have a set plan, most of the time they never reach their goal. My plan of action can become a little flexible. My first step, I have already completed. That step remained applying and getting accepted into colleges. I have gotten accepted into UNK, CSC, Colby Community College in Kansas, and University of Wyoming in Laramie. My next step, to determine which school will give me the best offers based around my nursing major. Then, I will narrow it down to two schools. My last step stays that if one of those colleges offers me a scholarship to play volleyball, I will go play for them. Having a set plan will help you get to your goal. So make sure you make a plan of action to reach your goal or it’s possible you won’t get there. Evaluate The Decision I think attending college on a volleyball scholarship will remain the best decision. I feel that way because it will become much easier to pay for college. Also, I would love to continue playing volleyball. This would stay the best choice for those reasons. If I am able to do so, it will hopefully give me a whole new experience. It is much different than high school level. This remains why it would benefit to play volleyball in college. Conclusion In conclusion, the decision making process has several steps to it. First, you must define your problem. Next, you need to gather information about your problem. Then, you will need to list your options. Fourth, you have to find the advantages and disadvantages about each of your choices. Fifth, you must finally make a decision. Sixth, you must make a plan of action. This step can become the most important part because you need to make a plan on how to get there. Last, you need to evaluate the decision after it has happened. Decide whether your decision was a good or bad choice. References Retrieved from